Monday, February 9, 2009

In the beginning there were the words.

So it begins.

Hello, my name is Sara, and I am a writer.

"Writer of what?" I hear you, my imaginary audience, query.

Why of many things! I am a woman of many passions: from news and politics, to science fiction and fantasy, to couture fashion and shoes.

After three years of graduate school in political theory, I have recently decided to venture into the realm of my truest and longest passion: I am diving full time into the worlds of writing. Enough with these roundabout career choices that dance with and flirt with writing. Merely trading tantalizing tidbits is no longer enough for me. I am ready for a full-blown affair with the written word, and every faithless job before must prepare to bid me adieu. I'm ready to consummate my love, and no tease of a "secure" career can deter me.

So, I ask you my now imaginary and, hopefully, soon-to-be tangible readers, join me on this whirlwind romance. You will find all of my passions caressed here with the longing of a true lover of literature, language, and life. Find here politics and pop culture, fashion and fantasy, and almost (un)allayed allocation of alliteration.

My name is Sara, and I am a writer.

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